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If you have decided to buy or to sell real estate, from choice to do it yourself or to ask for help to real estate broker very much depends the fortune of the deal.

We offer professional services in field of real estate, which in SELLING property, include:

  • to carry out inspection of your property and to assess the value of it;
  • to instruct in the rules, conditions and procedure set by you;
  • to represent you and your interests in relations with the potential purchasers of the property;
  • to place information about your property in internet or other mass media by agreement;
  • to inform to about results;
  • to organize and coordinate all processes for making a deal (to devise a contract, to prepare necessary documentation, acceptance - conveyance of property, organization of estimation of  the property, etc.)
  • to co-ordinate and organize meeting with notary to sign the contract;
  • to prepare and hand in documents in Land Register.

and, in prospecting the suitable property for BUYING or RENTING, we offer:

  • to instruct your criterias, desires and possibilities regarding to type of property, locality, space, number of rooms, your special desires, price etc.;
  • to find out the most suitable offers;
  • to organize visitations of your selected objects;
  • to inspect the properties that you have chosen, including the owner of it, managing conditions, the cost of public services, declared persons, encumbrances, technical condition of the property, expenses of repair, etc.
  • to represent you and your interests in relations with the owner of the property;
  • to organize and coordinate all processes for making a deal (to devise a contract, to prepare necessary documentation, acceptance - conveyance of property, organization of estimation of  the property, etc.)
  • to co-ordinate and organize meeting with notary to sign the contract;
  • to prepare and hand in documents in Land Register.